4 Results Found Matching Your Search


Tiger Canyon Private Game Reserve sits on 6100-hectares of prime Karoo landscape with various separate territories for the wild tigers and cheetahs to...

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Anker Guesthouse

Philippolis +27-82-5074155

*We strive to deliver products and services that best represent our client’s needs. *We go the extra mile to save our client’s costs, by deliverin...

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Safari lodge is situated approximately 30 kilometers from Philipolis via a well-maintained gravel road. The 4-star rated lodge consists of the main e...

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The Dusty Vine

Philippolis +27-82-9742692

Hoek Huis is a grand old Karoo lady set on the corner of historic Tobie Muller Street. The house can accommodate up to 6 guests in 3 bedrooms, and has...

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